drug abuse among sportsmen
Drug use among sportsmen:Their is a long history of using some sort of chemicals, which helps to make a person superman from the ordinary ones. In the late 1800s, the famous neurologist, Brown Seguard,administered to himself a testicular extract containing testosterone. Testosterone itself was synthesized in the laboratory in 1935, and used in an attempt to help chronically ill people replace lost muscle mass. Steroids were reportedly given to German troops during the Second World War to increase their aggressiveness.The anabolic steroids were recognized as having potential for use among athletes in the early 1950s, and Russian weightlifters began to use analogues of testosterone in 1954. This practice spread to the United States in the late 1950s.In 1973, the American Academy of Pediatrics started that anabolic steroid use by adolescents was detrimental to their health. In 1976, the International Amateur Athletic Federation banned their use, and in 1977 the American college of sports medicine officially opposed use of these drugs. During the 1983 Pan American Games, several athletes disqualified when anabolic steroids were detected by urine drug screens, and dozens more withdrew from the games for fear of detection. The national Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), in 1986, began drug-testing in college football players in selected games, and the California Legislature placed anabolic steroids under controls and imposed penalties for trafficking. Ben Johnson, the Olympic sprinter who set a world record in the 100 meter dash in 1988, was disqualified after testing positive for steroids.It has been estimated that more than 80% of athletes involvedin body building, national and international weightlifting, power-lifting,,and field events such as shot put and discuss throw use steroids. One half of professional football linemen and linebackers are thought to use drugs. A number of female athletes especially those involved in body building and powe-=lifting , are steroid users. Estimates of steroid use among college athletes have ranged from 5 to 20 percent.Adolescent boys who do not competer in sports sometimes use anabolic steroids in an attempt to make themselves more attractive to the opposite sex.Why do the sportsmen use drugs?There is not any single reason found among the sportsmen for using drugs although reasons for using anabolic steroids among sportsmen are lesser than among other adolescent and youth. One very important notable point is that sportsmen are at double risk for using drugs. Firstly, they may use narcotic and psychotropic drugs for the general reasons cited in part I and secondly, they are at higher risk for using sports related drugs which are known as anabolic steroids.All the sportsmen want to be recognized as the best in their field. In general, athletics performance is measured according to their successes. The coaches also are measured through training and very hard esercise but sometimes they come to think of an easier way for becoming the best my using anabolic steroids for several pulling and pushing factors. Here, we discuss the reasons for abusing drugs only for the use or abuse of anabolic steroids. The following reasons are found for the ab/use of anabolic steroids by the sportsmen.Sportsmen who ab/use anabolic steroids believe that:Ø Use of anabolic increases body massØ It increase muscle mass.Ø It increases strength.Ø It increases aggressiveness during competitions.Ø It improves times in running events.Ø It reduces recovery time after a workout during competitions.Ø It increases intensity at which weight training can be done in an easy way.Ø It increases the length of workout periods.Ø It promotes rapid healing of injuries, if it occurs during exercise and competition.Ø It allows them to keep up with their opponents.Ø It gives them the winning edge.Ø It makes them look more attractive to the opposite sex.Ø They must use them if they want to compete seriously with whom they believe are using such drugs.Whether anabolic steroids actually do all of these things is debatable. Research has shown that they do not improve performance in aerobic athletec events, such as the spirit races. They do seem t increase strength in weightlifters who have undergone intensive training before beginning anabolic steroid use.Those sportsmen who ab/use anabolic steroids deny that:Ø They are causing harm to anyone.It is a “victimless crime.”Ø Anabolic steroid use has significant adverse health consequences.they make statements like, “Every drug, even aspirin, has side effects.”They condemn those who criticize the use of anabolic steroids. “ People who are against steroid use are not athletes. They just don’t understand.” They appeal to higher loyalties, sort of code of commitment to the sport. Those competing at the international level may view anabolic steroids use as a patriotic act.Anabolic steroids are used primarily in an attempt to increase muscle mass and athletic performance They are more accurately called anabolic-androgenic steroids because they produce an anabolic effect, which is protein synthesis for building muscle, and an anabolic effect, or masculinization, due to their testosterone-like properties.Anabolic steroids:Anabolic steroids are derivative of or very similar structurally ro testosterone the major male hormone. All anabolic steroids in use today are derivatives of the male sex hormone, testosterone. They are legally manufactured for few legitimate medical reasons, but probably 80% of them are diverted to the black market for unsupervised use. Anabolic steroids come in tablets and injectable forms. Anabolic steroids should not be confused with corticosteroid or gluco steroids, which are produced in a different area. The cortico steroids are used agreat deal for anti-inflammatory properties as well as other uses.Probably the most important difference to remember is that anabolic steroids stend to increase nitrogen retention and cortico steroids tend to dercease nitrogen retention. The nitrogen level is important in the utilization of protein within the body.There are major controversies and inconsistencies within recent studies concerning the ability of anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass and strength but there is no controversy that anabolic steroids have potentially serious side effects.DO ANABOLIC STEROIDS ACTUALLY INCREASE BODY SIZE?There are three major theories al to why some athletes who use anabolic steroids get bigger and stronger these are as follows:1. Many studies suggest or conclude that anabolic steroids cause fluid retention in the muscle which makes the muscle larger-the athlete sees the larger muscle and thinks he is stronger and then works harder at his training program.2. Other found only a placebo effect- the athlete thinks the anabolic steroids will make him stronger; he works harder on his training program. There is no doubt that if you think stronger, you can lift more.3. Some studies show an actual increase in muscle size and thus strength in athletes who take anabolic steroids .In the studies, the only athletes who had an increase in muscle size were those who were on very heavy training programs before bigining anabolic steroids. These athletes continued on the heavy training programs while taking anabolic steroids. Athletes who had not been on a heavy training program prior to using anabolic steroids showed no change in muscle size, even if they started a training program with the anabolic steroids.Those athletes who were on a heavy training program prior to beginning anabolic steroids had a negative nitrogen balance and the anabolic steroids allowed the body to better utilize the protein presented to it. The athletes who had not been on a heavy program showed no benefit from the anabolic steroids. The athletes who benefited from the anabolic steroids might have benefited just as much from a protein diet as from the anabolic steroids.Drug ab/use among Nepalese sportsmen:In late 60s, Nepalese sportsmen were found to use “Chausatthi” , a type of medicine produced locally. It was used for enhancing sports performance in competitions. Incidents of use of drugs among sportsmen are found in Nepal, on the random medication process with or without knowing under doping list (doping is defined as the deliberate or inadvertent use of banned or prohibited substances and methods by an athlete for the purpose of enhancing athletic performance).Examples of such used in Nepal are ephedrine(cough syrup,some natural medicines) of anabolic steroids by other athletes.Recently national Nepali athlete Rajendra bhandari has been found guilty of doping. Rajendra had clinched Gold medals in 5000-meter race and 3000-meter steeplechase in the SAG. He failed two consecutive doping tests conducted in a Malaysian laboratory. According to the report, Ranjendra, who is associated with Nepal Army’s Tribhuvan Club, claimed that he didn’t take the banned drug knowingly but he used it as per the advice of his trainer. committee formed by the National Sports Council (NSC) to investigate into the doping scandal involving SAG double Gold medallist Rajendra Bhandari has found his trainers responsible for doping the star athlete with anabolic steroid.NSC member secretary Jeevan Ram Shrestha said chief trainer Narayan Pradhan, trainer Sushil Narsingh Rana and Gunter Lange, the head of the German Athletics Project, have been found responsible for giving Rajendra 19-norandrosterone to boost his performance during the Sough Asian Games held in Colombo in August this year.It is learnt that hardly some pharmacist know about such anabolic steroids in Nepal. They sell all the drugs whatever they are prescribed .They found not oriented on such drugs.Nepal Sports Council, at present, is conduction drug prevention programs internally and externally. Internally, coaches are being educated on drugs. They are educated the possibilities of use of drugs by sportsmen. Esternally, seminars, workshops, etc.Are conducted in central regional and distict level. Doctors are provided with list of doping at the regional and district levels.Drug ab/use is a youth problem. Those youth have a great role to play in future, in the country. Sportsmen in the centre, region. There are sports units very frequently. If all the districts. Coaches visit and stay for sometimes in these units very frequently. If all the coaches area trained on drug prevention activities, they can play a vital role in drug prevention among these sportsmen. On the one hand, sportsmen have a good discipline and on other, they are heroes for adolescents and youth therefore drug prevention activities conducted by mobilizing these coaches and sportsmen will be very effective for adolescents and youth. Sports are directly related to school and higher level education. This institution also will be enriched with such drug prevention programs if these sportsmen are mobilized Coaches and sportsmen keep traveling from region to region and district to district. In such a situation where there are target group, management and guide at the same place, conducting such training course and information may work efficiently.At the policy level, there is no drug policy in Sports Council, Nor does the Nepal Olympic Committee have any drug policy. It is felt a great need to have drug policy in these institutions which helps in drug prevention activities. Doping test is always concerned with human rights. Legal justification is needed for such testing.No sportsmen are found to be the ab/user of narcotic and/or psychotropic drugs. It is so because if a sportsmen becomes an ab/user of such substances he cannot remain as sportsman anymore.Commonly used drug among sportsmen:It is learnt that many pharmacist do not know about the use of anabolic steroids . Anabolic steroids are found in tablet and liquid form. Some of the common anabolic steroids used by sportsmen are Danabol, Ephedrine, Anavar, Android, Winstrol,Orten, Winstrol, Methyliestosierone, and Metandren.There are many other anabolic steroids found used by sportsmen. Some of them are given below:Generic name Trade nameOral formsEnthylestrenol Maxibolin, OrabolinFluoxymesterone Halotestin, Android-FMethandrostenolone DianabolMethyltestosterone Android, Metandren, Oreton,Testred, Vigores, VirilonNorenthandrolone NilevarOxandrolone AnavarOxymetholone Anadrol-50, AndroydInjectable formsNandrolne decanoate DEca-DurabolinNandrolone phenpropionate DurabolinTestosterone cypionate DEPO-TestosteroneTestosterone enanthate DelatestrylTestosterone propionate OretonInjectable steroids are absorbed directly into the bloodstream , thereby avoiding the firs-pass effect of the liver. The first pass effect refers to the fact that ingestede drugs must pass from the intestines through liver in order to reach the bloodstream. The liver metabolizes a major part of the oral dose in this process. In addition, by avoiding the first-pass effect, injectable steroids are less toxic to the liver than the oral ones.Stimulants banned by the IOC:Amfepramone AmferaminilAmiphenazolAmphetamineCaffeineCathineChlorphentermineClorprenalineCocaineCroprppamideCrothetamideDimetamphetamineEphedrineEtaphedrineEthamivanEtilamphetamineFenetylineFenetylineFenproporexFurfenorexMefenorexMethamphetamineMethylephedrineMethylphenidateMOrazaneNikethamideNorpseudophedrinePemolinePentatrazolPhendimetrazinePheterminePhenylpropanolaminePipradolProlintanePropylhexedrinePseudoephedrinePyrovaleroneStrychineConsequences of the ab/use of anabolic steroids:The anabolic steroids have various types of consequences after their ab/use. Some of the consequences are given below.1. Liver:· Liver damage that is indicated by elevated liver enzymes in the blood.· Cholestatic jaundice(yellow skin color resulting from obstruction of bile flow)· Peliosis hepatitis(venous lakes in the liver,prone to rupture)2. Endocrine:· Altered glucose metabolism.· Suppressed testosterone levels in men.· Reduced sperm count with infertility.· Acne(both sexex) due to proliferation of sebaceous gland.· Feminization of males: development of female-like breasts(gynecomastia) and shrunken testicles.· Masculinizing effects in women: this includes hoarsening of the voice, hirsutism(development of male like body hair patterns),enlargement of the clitoris, decrease in breast size, menstrual irregularities, and male pattern baldness.· Premature sexual development in children.3.Skeleton:Premature closure of epiphyseal growth plate, which limits a person’s height4.Cardiovascular:Increased risk of cardiovascular disease, due to decreased levels of HDL-chlesterol and increased levels of LDL-cholesterol.Hypertension(high blood pressure)Elevated triglyceride levelsFluid retention5.Behavioral:· Irritability· Aggressive behaviour,termed “roid rage”· Euphoria· Decreased fatigue· Change in libido· Mood swings· Hallucinations· Manic-like symptoms(severe hyperactivity of thoughts and actions)· Paranoid delusions(feelings that others are our to get to you)The aggressive behavior produced by the use of anabolic steroids can be significant problem. According to a report, one young athlete in a ‘roid rage’ walked along the street bashing parked cars with a crowbar. When confronted by the police, he attacked them with the crowbar. Despite being shot repeatedly, he kept coming after them, before finally falling dead at their feet.Use of anabolic steroids is illegal and anti-sportsmen behavior. Winning a competition is less worth than the price these young athletes have paid for the ab/use of such steroids. Medical community advises not to use any steroids. Anabolic steroids have such significant side effects that medically there are only a few ethical indications for their use. Those anabolic steroids are used for the replacement of male hormones in patient with severe hormone deficiency, certain rare types of anemia (decreased blood cell reproduction) treatment of some breast cancers and other rare diseases. There are only few serious disease where anabolic steroids are medically advisable considering their potential side effect. Obviously anabolic steroids are extremely dangerous when used for questionable benefits in athletes, especially in view of the fact that athletes use doses many times greater than those used in medical treatment. In males, anabolic steroids can decrease or eliminate sperm (causing sterility), decrease the level of normal male hormones (this sometimes is permanent)-as well as other changes. IN females, anabolic steroids have been shown to decrease circulating female hormones, increase clitoris size and suppress menstruation. Other side effects are deepened voice and baldness, which are often irreversible. In both sexes, anabolic steroids use has been shown to be associated with early closure of epiphysical growth areas (stunted growth), acne, liver cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and arteriosclerosis, (a thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial wall, as in old age). These are by no means the only side effects associated with anabolic steroids use –and most of these side effects occur at the low dosage used in medical treatment of diseases. It has not been determined what side effects will occur in the long term with the high doses sued by many athletes. It is also important to note that the benefit of anabolic steroids is quickly lost when they are discontinued – side effects can last forever. The small chance of benefit from anabolic steroids is not worth the much greater risk of serious side effects associated with their use.Abstinence Syndrome:The anabolic steroids abstinence syndrome consists primarily of depression, which may be severe. Suicides have been reported. Another withdrawal symptom is viewed as being the opposite of anorexia nervosa. Those suffering from anorexia see themselves as being under-muscled despite the fact that they may appear to others as having a tremeddous physique. The 10 to 25 pounds they lose on cessationof anabolic steroids use takes on an exaggerated importance, a phenomenon which has been termed
Drug use among sportsmen:Their is a long history of using some sort of chemicals, which helps to make a person superman from the ordinary ones. In the late 1800s, the famous neurologist, Brown Seguard,administered to himself a testicular extract containing testosterone. Testosterone itself was synthesized in the laboratory in 1935, and used in an attempt to help chronically ill people replace lost muscle mass. Steroids were reportedly given to German troops during the Second World War to increase their aggressiveness.The anabolic steroids were recognized as having potential for use among athletes in the early 1950s, and Russian weightlifters began to use analogues of testosterone in 1954. This practice spread to the United States in the late 1950s.In 1973, the American Academy of Pediatrics started that anabolic steroid use by adolescents was detrimental to their health. In 1976, the International Amateur Athletic Federation banned their use, and in 1977 the American college of sports medicine officially opposed use of these drugs. During the 1983 Pan American Games, several athletes disqualified when anabolic steroids were detected by urine drug screens, and dozens more withdrew from the games for fear of detection. The national Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), in 1986, began drug-testing in college football players in selected games, and the California Legislature placed anabolic steroids under controls and imposed penalties for trafficking. Ben Johnson, the Olympic sprinter who set a world record in the 100 meter dash in 1988, was disqualified after testing positive for steroids.It has been estimated that more than 80% of athletes involvedin body building, national and international weightlifting, power-lifting,,and field events such as shot put and discuss throw use steroids. One half of professional football linemen and linebackers are thought to use drugs. A number of female athletes especially those involved in body building and powe-=lifting , are steroid users. Estimates of steroid use among college athletes have ranged from 5 to 20 percent.Adolescent boys who do not competer in sports sometimes use anabolic steroids in an attempt to make themselves more attractive to the opposite sex.Why do the sportsmen use drugs?There is not any single reason found among the sportsmen for using drugs although reasons for using anabolic steroids among sportsmen are lesser than among other adolescent and youth. One very important notable point is that sportsmen are at double risk for using drugs. Firstly, they may use narcotic and psychotropic drugs for the general reasons cited in part I and secondly, they are at higher risk for using sports related drugs which are known as anabolic steroids.All the sportsmen want to be recognized as the best in their field. In general, athletics performance is measured according to their successes. The coaches also are measured through training and very hard esercise but sometimes they come to think of an easier way for becoming the best my using anabolic steroids for several pulling and pushing factors. Here, we discuss the reasons for abusing drugs only for the use or abuse of anabolic steroids. The following reasons are found for the ab/use of anabolic steroids by the sportsmen.Sportsmen who ab/use anabolic steroids believe that:Ø Use of anabolic increases body massØ It increase muscle mass.Ø It increases strength.Ø It increases aggressiveness during competitions.Ø It improves times in running events.Ø It reduces recovery time after a workout during competitions.Ø It increases intensity at which weight training can be done in an easy way.Ø It increases the length of workout periods.Ø It promotes rapid healing of injuries, if it occurs during exercise and competition.Ø It allows them to keep up with their opponents.Ø It gives them the winning edge.Ø It makes them look more attractive to the opposite sex.Ø They must use them if they want to compete seriously with whom they believe are using such drugs.Whether anabolic steroids actually do all of these things is debatable. Research has shown that they do not improve performance in aerobic athletec events, such as the spirit races. They do seem t increase strength in weightlifters who have undergone intensive training before beginning anabolic steroid use.Those sportsmen who ab/use anabolic steroids deny that:Ø They are causing harm to anyone.It is a “victimless crime.”Ø Anabolic steroid use has significant adverse health consequences.they make statements like, “Every drug, even aspirin, has side effects.”They condemn those who criticize the use of anabolic steroids. “ People who are against steroid use are not athletes. They just don’t understand.” They appeal to higher loyalties, sort of code of commitment to the sport. Those competing at the international level may view anabolic steroids use as a patriotic act.Anabolic steroids are used primarily in an attempt to increase muscle mass and athletic performance They are more accurately called anabolic-androgenic steroids because they produce an anabolic effect, which is protein synthesis for building muscle, and an anabolic effect, or masculinization, due to their testosterone-like properties.Anabolic steroids:Anabolic steroids are derivative of or very similar structurally ro testosterone the major male hormone. All anabolic steroids in use today are derivatives of the male sex hormone, testosterone. They are legally manufactured for few legitimate medical reasons, but probably 80% of them are diverted to the black market for unsupervised use. Anabolic steroids come in tablets and injectable forms. Anabolic steroids should not be confused with corticosteroid or gluco steroids, which are produced in a different area. The cortico steroids are used agreat deal for anti-inflammatory properties as well as other uses.Probably the most important difference to remember is that anabolic steroids stend to increase nitrogen retention and cortico steroids tend to dercease nitrogen retention. The nitrogen level is important in the utilization of protein within the body.There are major controversies and inconsistencies within recent studies concerning the ability of anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass and strength but there is no controversy that anabolic steroids have potentially serious side effects.DO ANABOLIC STEROIDS ACTUALLY INCREASE BODY SIZE?There are three major theories al to why some athletes who use anabolic steroids get bigger and stronger these are as follows:1. Many studies suggest or conclude that anabolic steroids cause fluid retention in the muscle which makes the muscle larger-the athlete sees the larger muscle and thinks he is stronger and then works harder at his training program.2. Other found only a placebo effect- the athlete thinks the anabolic steroids will make him stronger; he works harder on his training program. There is no doubt that if you think stronger, you can lift more.3. Some studies show an actual increase in muscle size and thus strength in athletes who take anabolic steroids .In the studies, the only athletes who had an increase in muscle size were those who were on very heavy training programs before bigining anabolic steroids. These athletes continued on the heavy training programs while taking anabolic steroids. Athletes who had not been on a heavy training program prior to using anabolic steroids showed no change in muscle size, even if they started a training program with the anabolic steroids.Those athletes who were on a heavy training program prior to beginning anabolic steroids had a negative nitrogen balance and the anabolic steroids allowed the body to better utilize the protein presented to it. The athletes who had not been on a heavy program showed no benefit from the anabolic steroids. The athletes who benefited from the anabolic steroids might have benefited just as much from a protein diet as from the anabolic steroids.Drug ab/use among Nepalese sportsmen:In late 60s, Nepalese sportsmen were found to use “Chausatthi” , a type of medicine produced locally. It was used for enhancing sports performance in competitions. Incidents of use of drugs among sportsmen are found in Nepal, on the random medication process with or without knowing under doping list (doping is defined as the deliberate or inadvertent use of banned or prohibited substances and methods by an athlete for the purpose of enhancing athletic performance).Examples of such used in Nepal are ephedrine(cough syrup,some natural medicines) of anabolic steroids by other athletes.Recently national Nepali athlete Rajendra bhandari has been found guilty of doping. Rajendra had clinched Gold medals in 5000-meter race and 3000-meter steeplechase in the SAG. He failed two consecutive doping tests conducted in a Malaysian laboratory. According to the report, Ranjendra, who is associated with Nepal Army’s Tribhuvan Club, claimed that he didn’t take the banned drug knowingly but he used it as per the advice of his trainer. committee formed by the National Sports Council (NSC) to investigate into the doping scandal involving SAG double Gold medallist Rajendra Bhandari has found his trainers responsible for doping the star athlete with anabolic steroid.NSC member secretary Jeevan Ram Shrestha said chief trainer Narayan Pradhan, trainer Sushil Narsingh Rana and Gunter Lange, the head of the German Athletics Project, have been found responsible for giving Rajendra 19-norandrosterone to boost his performance during the Sough Asian Games held in Colombo in August this year.It is learnt that hardly some pharmacist know about such anabolic steroids in Nepal. They sell all the drugs whatever they are prescribed .They found not oriented on such drugs.Nepal Sports Council, at present, is conduction drug prevention programs internally and externally. Internally, coaches are being educated on drugs. They are educated the possibilities of use of drugs by sportsmen. Esternally, seminars, workshops, etc.Are conducted in central regional and distict level. Doctors are provided with list of doping at the regional and district levels.Drug ab/use is a youth problem. Those youth have a great role to play in future, in the country. Sportsmen in the centre, region. There are sports units very frequently. If all the districts. Coaches visit and stay for sometimes in these units very frequently. If all the coaches area trained on drug prevention activities, they can play a vital role in drug prevention among these sportsmen. On the one hand, sportsmen have a good discipline and on other, they are heroes for adolescents and youth therefore drug prevention activities conducted by mobilizing these coaches and sportsmen will be very effective for adolescents and youth. Sports are directly related to school and higher level education. This institution also will be enriched with such drug prevention programs if these sportsmen are mobilized Coaches and sportsmen keep traveling from region to region and district to district. In such a situation where there are target group, management and guide at the same place, conducting such training course and information may work efficiently.At the policy level, there is no drug policy in Sports Council, Nor does the Nepal Olympic Committee have any drug policy. It is felt a great need to have drug policy in these institutions which helps in drug prevention activities. Doping test is always concerned with human rights. Legal justification is needed for such testing.No sportsmen are found to be the ab/user of narcotic and/or psychotropic drugs. It is so because if a sportsmen becomes an ab/user of such substances he cannot remain as sportsman anymore.Commonly used drug among sportsmen:It is learnt that many pharmacist do not know about the use of anabolic steroids . Anabolic steroids are found in tablet and liquid form. Some of the common anabolic steroids used by sportsmen are Danabol, Ephedrine, Anavar, Android, Winstrol,Orten, Winstrol, Methyliestosierone, and Metandren.There are many other anabolic steroids found used by sportsmen. Some of them are given below:Generic name Trade nameOral formsEnthylestrenol Maxibolin, OrabolinFluoxymesterone Halotestin, Android-FMethandrostenolone DianabolMethyltestosterone Android, Metandren, Oreton,Testred, Vigores, VirilonNorenthandrolone NilevarOxandrolone AnavarOxymetholone Anadrol-50, AndroydInjectable formsNandrolne decanoate DEca-DurabolinNandrolone phenpropionate DurabolinTestosterone cypionate DEPO-TestosteroneTestosterone enanthate DelatestrylTestosterone propionate OretonInjectable steroids are absorbed directly into the bloodstream , thereby avoiding the firs-pass effect of the liver. The first pass effect refers to the fact that ingestede drugs must pass from the intestines through liver in order to reach the bloodstream. The liver metabolizes a major part of the oral dose in this process. In addition, by avoiding the first-pass effect, injectable steroids are less toxic to the liver than the oral ones.Stimulants banned by the IOC:Amfepramone AmferaminilAmiphenazolAmphetamineCaffeineCathineChlorphentermineClorprenalineCocaineCroprppamideCrothetamideDimetamphetamineEphedrineEtaphedrineEthamivanEtilamphetamineFenetylineFenetylineFenproporexFurfenorexMefenorexMethamphetamineMethylephedrineMethylphenidateMOrazaneNikethamideNorpseudophedrinePemolinePentatrazolPhendimetrazinePheterminePhenylpropanolaminePipradolProlintanePropylhexedrinePseudoephedrinePyrovaleroneStrychineConsequences of the ab/use of anabolic steroids:The anabolic steroids have various types of consequences after their ab/use. Some of the consequences are given below.1. Liver:· Liver damage that is indicated by elevated liver enzymes in the blood.· Cholestatic jaundice(yellow skin color resulting from obstruction of bile flow)· Peliosis hepatitis(venous lakes in the liver,prone to rupture)2. Endocrine:· Altered glucose metabolism.· Suppressed testosterone levels in men.· Reduced sperm count with infertility.· Acne(both sexex) due to proliferation of sebaceous gland.· Feminization of males: development of female-like breasts(gynecomastia) and shrunken testicles.· Masculinizing effects in women: this includes hoarsening of the voice, hirsutism(development of male like body hair patterns),enlargement of the clitoris, decrease in breast size, menstrual irregularities, and male pattern baldness.· Premature sexual development in children.3.Skeleton:Premature closure of epiphyseal growth plate, which limits a person’s height4.Cardiovascular:Increased risk of cardiovascular disease, due to decreased levels of HDL-chlesterol and increased levels of LDL-cholesterol.Hypertension(high blood pressure)Elevated triglyceride levelsFluid retention5.Behavioral:· Irritability· Aggressive behaviour,termed “roid rage”· Euphoria· Decreased fatigue· Change in libido· Mood swings· Hallucinations· Manic-like symptoms(severe hyperactivity of thoughts and actions)· Paranoid delusions(feelings that others are our to get to you)The aggressive behavior produced by the use of anabolic steroids can be significant problem. According to a report, one young athlete in a ‘roid rage’ walked along the street bashing parked cars with a crowbar. When confronted by the police, he attacked them with the crowbar. Despite being shot repeatedly, he kept coming after them, before finally falling dead at their feet.Use of anabolic steroids is illegal and anti-sportsmen behavior. Winning a competition is less worth than the price these young athletes have paid for the ab/use of such steroids. Medical community advises not to use any steroids. Anabolic steroids have such significant side effects that medically there are only a few ethical indications for their use. Those anabolic steroids are used for the replacement of male hormones in patient with severe hormone deficiency, certain rare types of anemia (decreased blood cell reproduction) treatment of some breast cancers and other rare diseases. There are only few serious disease where anabolic steroids are medically advisable considering their potential side effect. Obviously anabolic steroids are extremely dangerous when used for questionable benefits in athletes, especially in view of the fact that athletes use doses many times greater than those used in medical treatment. In males, anabolic steroids can decrease or eliminate sperm (causing sterility), decrease the level of normal male hormones (this sometimes is permanent)-as well as other changes. IN females, anabolic steroids have been shown to decrease circulating female hormones, increase clitoris size and suppress menstruation. Other side effects are deepened voice and baldness, which are often irreversible. In both sexes, anabolic steroids use has been shown to be associated with early closure of epiphysical growth areas (stunted growth), acne, liver cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and arteriosclerosis, (a thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial wall, as in old age). These are by no means the only side effects associated with anabolic steroids use –and most of these side effects occur at the low dosage used in medical treatment of diseases. It has not been determined what side effects will occur in the long term with the high doses sued by many athletes. It is also important to note that the benefit of anabolic steroids is quickly lost when they are discontinued – side effects can last forever. The small chance of benefit from anabolic steroids is not worth the much greater risk of serious side effects associated with their use.Abstinence Syndrome:The anabolic steroids abstinence syndrome consists primarily of depression, which may be severe. Suicides have been reported. Another withdrawal symptom is viewed as being the opposite of anorexia nervosa. Those suffering from anorexia see themselves as being under-muscled despite the fact that they may appear to others as having a tremeddous physique. The 10 to 25 pounds they lose on cessationof anabolic steroids use takes on an exaggerated importance, a phenomenon which has been termed